sexta-feira, 3 de abril de 2015

I was nominated by the wonderful  Miguel Gouveia from the (super amazing) blog Pieces of Me !
You really should check it, you'll love it as much as I do!
I'm sooo sorry for the delay, but, here it goes! (:

Challenge goal:
 "The challenge aims (such as the name implies) discover new blogs. The world's blogger is so great that sometimes we look for blogs that interest us and it is hard to find. With this challenge, you may be able to discover interesting blogs "

1. You have a blog about how long?

I created my blog on 15 September 2014. It was near the end of summer vacation, extremely tired of not having anything to entertain me, and then, out of the blue, I created a blog without ever expecting anything! Today I am sure it was one of the best things I have ever done! (:

2. What do you think of the world of the blogosphere?

1º  I think it's an extremely competitive world, on the other hand, I think it's a huge world with open doors to many opportunities

2º  I think it is an ideal place to be inspired from, and meet people with whom we can identify, and why not, make friends!

3. Have ever, any blogger, refused you help?

Never. Until now, when I needed help, everyone was very helpful. And I can guarantee that if anyone ever need me, I'll do my best, because I am aware that we need each other!

4. What kind of blogs give you will to close the page as soon as you open it?

I do not like blogs full of advertising, with too many photos of one outfit, or blogs with poorly written texts, or full of swear words!
I always try to follow me to the idea that "less is more" to my blog.

5. What are your criteria for pursuing a blog? Follow all to follow you?

I don't have any criteria to follow when it comes to follow someone. If  I like the blog, and if I think that inspires me,  I follow, even if they do not follow back. On the other hand, I think it is a form of respect that, when someone follows me, follow as well, if it's not a blog that I think has those things that I said did not like.

6. Explain a little routine of your blog: from how you inspire, to how you to write the post.

Try (repeat) I always try to publish 2 in 2 days, but like many people, my life is not only the blog, so, this is not always possible. My inspiration comes from all places: magazines, television, other blogs, but more often, my tastes. I like to write about things I love (that egocentric!) as it has much more logical to write about what we like, instead of writing about what others like.

7. What is your most commented post and what your most viewed post?

The most viewed post is a photo shoot, which until today is of my favorites! It was photos I took in the fall, I called it "Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower" (check it) and the most commented post is another photo shoot, and this photos were taken in December, and the title is " The Universe does't allow Perfection " (link available).

8. Do you feel you have evolved favorably?

I do!
I think since  6 months ago, I evolved immense! Both in terms of blog design, such as content, and also photography! Everything that happened to me so far, I consider as an evolution, a constant learning and I can only wish to continue so!

9. Thinking long term ... Do you see yourself in 5 years with active blog?

I never thought much of it. But think long term, yes, I see myself with the blog active in 5 years. I'm not a person to give up, and especially because I'm loving the world of the blogosphere more than I imagined. One of the things that I fear the most is that people cease to be interested in the blog, but everything will be alright! (:

10. What is the content that gives more enjoyment you write?

I do not know. Everything I write on the blog, I write it because I liked it, but probably the thing I like most is trends, and photo shoots, bcause they are so much fun! (:

Hope you like it & I hope that you have fun to know me a little bit better!

12 comentários:

  1. Gostei muito de ler as tuas respostas :)

  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  3. Hello from Spain: congratulations on the award. I enjoyed reading your answers, we keep in touch

  4. Great post
    Would you like to follow each other?
    I'll follow back after it

  5. Very well, keep up your hard word, nice blog you have here ^^

    I'm following you now. Follow back?
    My blog: Sleepy Deer

  6. Super cute!!

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC?! Let me know and follow me on my blog, I will follow you right back on GFC!
    Algo pasa con Mary

  7. Great blog and post.
    Follow for you! Can you follow me, too?

    xoxo ♥ CLICK

  8. És uma querida :') Que respostas tão fantásticas! Agradeço-te muito a introdução, a sério!!! Obrigado de coração :D
    Sim, eu antes também sentia isso... Sentia que não conseguia encontrar as peças que mais gostava por achar que me ficavam mal... Nessa altura também não estava bem comigo próprio o que fez com que eu me isolasse. Mas pronto, o que lá vai, lá vai e águas passadas não movem moinhos! Pois é... A Forever 21 tem mesmo uma categoria própria, assim como a H&M. Optei por escolher a Mango e a H&M por terem roupa mais sóbria e sem grandes estampados... e claro, pelos preços serem mais acessíveis!

    Páscoa Feliz, querida!
    Um grande beijinho
    InstagramFacebook Oficial PageMiguel Gouveia / Blog Pieces Of Me :D

  9. Thank you for visiting my blog!
    Followed you back love! x

  10. Great answers, I neither don't like blogs with too many advertisements :) Would you like to follow each other on bloglovin' and GFC? Let me know and I'll follow you back ASAP :)


Hi, thank you so much for your comments and opinions, I appreciate them all! ♡
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